Monday, March 3, 2014


With $9 left to spend, I figured I could buy some fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmers market.

Local vegetables in the wintertime are coming out of cold storage and they are limited.  Fresh local vegetables are grown in outdoor greenhouses and prices are higher.  Kale was $8 per pound, mixed greens for $12 a pound and brussel sprouts $5 a pound. I had to make smart choices to make my $9 stretch.  I bought apples at $1.75 per pound costing me $2.90 for 4 large apples and a huge head of purple cabbage for $3.  There were no dark leafy greens that I could afford, so I decided to buy $2 per pound carrots, coming out to $2.90 for 2 large carrots.

All and all, I spent $33.36, with .64 cents left to spare.  I was really hoping to save an extra $2 in case I ran out of rice and needed to buy pasta during the week.  Usually I leave the farmers market in euphoria, with a bag full of fresh local goodies, but as I left today, I couldn't help but wonder how careless I was with my money.   I kept thinking how many more vegetables I could have gotten for $7 if I went back to Ctown or La Placita mini market.  Seeking out the lowest fruits and vegetables at the farmers market, I still found that I wasn't getting enough food for my money.  I now have my food for the week and I need to stop worrying. If I were on SNAP, I would have to be more careful with my choices in subsequent weeks.

Day # 2 Breakfast:

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